People wanting to visit Bhutan have asked me about availability of free internet in the country. This of course changes fast as new places open and others may close, but I have found this information for you on : The following establishments offer free WiFi.
Tshernyoen's Cafe (next to Bhutan Telecom).
Ambient Cafe (opposite PNB Bank). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 9pm.
Note: Since broadband usage in Bhutan is charged by the amount of data transferred, the connections are often password-protected to prevent abuse. Request the code from the owner. Please use the connections gently (i.e.., avoid downloading movies, audio and YouTube videos, as well as long Skype calls). To see updated list, check:
A unique workshop with speakers from Bhutan, Hungary, US and Europe to be held in Brussels, Belgium in November also aims to contribute to this discussion through looking at the application of Buddhist Values in Business.
To learn more about this event and register, click HERE.